volvo xc90 anti skid service required message on the dash

Q:Hi, I have the anti skidding service light on my dash. I have been told that it is the yaw rate sensor.
I have been told that this is mounted under the passenger seat(left hand drive car) is that correct?
If I fit the sensor myself do I still need to get volvo to reset the dash warning light or will that go off once the sensor is replaced.
if you could send me step by step instructions I would appreciate it, I will be taking the car to volvo to get them to confirm it is the yaw sensor then will replace myself.

A:Yes that correct, it looks like your sensor is corroded and needs to be replaced, you can do this yourself, it doesn’t need any programming, all you need is to remove the old sensor which is under the amplifier under the passenger side seat and mount new however you also need to fix the water problem, it is because of the sun roof drains which are clogged and water collect under the seat, you also might need a new plug because your old one might also be corroded,

I have a video showing how to replace this sensor, doing it yourself will save you lots of money dealer charge $1000 for the sensor and the labor,

thank you

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